Sage add-on software
Adept Company / Product / Order Viewer Pro
This program sits in your system tray and when you click on it a search box appears. You can enter a small amount of characters to search the sage customer or supplier records or sales invoices and sales and purchase order details:
View Sales Order / Invoice history for a Customer
View Purchase Order history for a Supplier
View Sales and Purchase Order history for a Product
Ideal for customers who ring up and ask for "five of the widgets you sold me three months ago".
Search for Products by Product Code, Supplier's Product Code or words contained in the Product Description.
Displays Product information including Stock Level and Prices.
Users can add notes to the Product Memo.
Search for Account Codes, Company Names and Contact Surnames across both ledgers in one operation.
Displays Company Name, Address, Contacts, Phone Numbers, Fax and Internet information for each company.
Users can add notes to the Customer and Supplier Memos
Data can be Copied and Pasted into other applications.
Can read Sage 50 data from a remote machine across your network.
Only £360 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Invoice Importer
This program allows you to import invoices into the Sage Accounts Invoicing module. It can be run from a button in the Invoice module (dependent on Sage version). The column headings in the first line of the CSV file are used to define the fields that the data should be imported into. It will import multi-line data into service text. It will optionally create new customer or product records if they don't exist.
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence. Annual renewal fees apply if used with New Sage 50 v21 or higher.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Sales Order CSV Importer
This program will import Sales Orders into the Sage 50 Sales Order Module from a CSV file. It can be used to import data into any field in the Sage 50 Sales Order file that is exposed by the Sage SDO. The column headings in the first line of the CSV file are used to define the fields that the data should be imported into. It will import Excel style multi line data into the Service Text field. Export option will load your CSV template with data from your current SOP files. The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 SOP Module.
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Compatible with Sage 50 Pro and Financial Controller versions 8 to 24 (Sage 50c).
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence. N.B. Annual renewal fees apply if used with New Sage 50 v21 or higher.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Purchase Order CSV Importer
This program will import Purchase Orders into the Sage 50 Purchase Order Module from a CSV file. It can be used to import data into any field in the Sage 50 Purchase Order file that is exposed by the Sage SDO. The column headings in the first line of the CSV file are used to define the fields that the data should be imported into. It will import Excel style multi line data into the Service Text field. Export option will load your CSV template with data from your current POP files.
The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 POP Module.
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Compatible with Sage 50 Pro and Financial Controller versions 8 to 24 (Sage 50c).
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence. N.B. Annual renewal fees apply if used with New Sage 50 v21 or higher.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Product and Account Code Changer
This program will allow you to change Sage 50 Customer, Supplier, Product and Fixed Asset Codes.
Change Sales Ledger account codes.
Change Purchase Ledger account codes.
Change Product codes.
Change Fixed Asset codes.
Change multiple code prefixes in one operation.
Optionally read a CSV file of codes to be changed.
Retains all your transaction and stock history.
Free trial version limited to Fixed Asset code changes only.
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Multi Location Stock Tools
This program will make it easier to use Sage 50 to manage stock in multiple warehouses or locations.
View stock levels at each location.
Easily transfer stock from one location to another.
Build option will create a duplicate set of product records for each location.
Sales Ledger accounts can be assigned to a specific location.
SOP Update option will update sales orders to use the location defined for the customer.
The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 Product module (dependant on Sage version).
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Only £360 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Back to Back Ordering
This program will create matching Purchase Orders from Sales Orders or Invoices. It is ideal for companies whose suppliers deliver direct to the customer.
Lists recent customer orders that have been entered into the Sage 50 SOP or Invoice module.
The user can easily select an order to be processed with just a couple of clicks.
The program will create all the purchase orders necessary to satisfy the customer's order.
The customer's delivery address is automatically entered as the delivery address on the purchase orders.
After the purchase orders have been created the quote is automatically marked as processed.
The user can select whether to see all unprocessed orders or just recent ones.
The program can be run from a button on the Sage 50 SOP or Invoice module (dependant on Sage version).
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Only £360 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Stock Split Program
This program is like BOM in reverse. It will allow you to transfer stock from one stock code and create multiple new items under another stock code. A typical example would be a wine merchant who has one stock code for a case of a particular wine and another that represents a single bottle. When a case is taken from the cellar and the bottles are put out on the shelves, this program will take one case out of stock in Sage 50 and adjust in the appropriate number of bottles.
The split quantity and product code are held in the Sage 50 product file.
A search facility will locate splittable products by code or a word within the product description.
The program will create the correct transactions in the Sage 50 product history.
A list shows the products that you have already split in the current session.
Auto Split option will automatically split enough stock to clear negative stock levels.
The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 Product module (dependant on Sage version).
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Document Explosion
This program will examine Sales Order, Purchase Order and Invoice records and insert a BOM explosion below each Assembly.
Order all the components for an assembly by just entering the assembly code.
Invoice your customer for an assembly and list all the components underneath.
The program will recurse through multiple levels of subassembly.
Subassemblies and their components can be indented according to their level.
Alternatively the program will produce a list of components with duplicates from different subassemblies added together into one line.
Explosion lines can optionally show the Quantity, Product Code, Suppliers Part Number and Description
Quantities are multiplied up accordingly.
The program can redo the explosion if amendments are made.
There is an option to select whether the Assemblies or the Components are posted to the Sage 50 Ledgers.
A list shows the documents and products that have been exploded in the current session.
The program can be run from buttons in the Sage 50 SOP, POP and Invoice modules (dependant on Sage version).
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Sales Price Updater
This program will update the Sales Price of your Products by applying a Category based mark-up to the Cost Price.
Mark-up percentage can be held individually for each Category or Product.
The Sales Price for a BOM assembly can be calculated from it's individual components across multiple BOM levels.
You can calculate Sales Prices for a portion of the Product file by selecting the Category, Supplier or Product Code.
Product Code selection allows the use of wild cards.
You can enter new Cost Prices for a list of components and automatically recalculate the Sales Price of all affected Assemblies.
Cost Prices in CSV format can be imported from Excel or a Supplier's List.
Product Mark-up percentages in CSV format can be imported from Excel.
Option to set Cost Prices to the highest incoming price.
The program can be run from a button on the Sage 50 Product module (dependant on Sage version).
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Subscriptions
This program will generate Sales Invoices, Quotes or Pro Formas at regular intervals and for multiple Customers. It is ideal for charging membership fees, trade subscriptions, service contracts or any other repeating charge. Unlike Sage 50's recurring invoice facility, you do not have to maintain a separate memorised invoice record for each Customer.
Will generate Service or Product Invoices, Quotes or Pro Formas with automatically adjusting from and to dates in the invoice text.
Handles multiple Subscription Types each with it's own invoice text and posting details.
Subscriptions can be set up or amended in the program with just a few clicks.
A high speed search facility will locate a Customer by entering a few characters from their Name or Account Reference.
The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 Invoice module (dependant on Sage version).
Compatible with multi company and networked versions of Sage 50.
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Adjustments In
This program will allow you to enter Inwards Stock Adjustments in a fast and convenient manner.
A high speed search facility will locate products by code or text within the product description.
Enter quantity and total cost price. The unit costprice will be calculated.
Optionally enter a new unit sales price for the product.
Hit Load and the program will create the AI transaction in the Sage 50 product history.
A list shows the adjustments that you have already entered in the current session.
The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 Product module (dependant on Sage version).
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Price CSV Import
Import Customer Special Prices, Customer Price List Prices and Supplier Price List Prices into the Sage 50 Price File from a CSV file.
£180 + VAT
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Address CSV Import
Import Customer Delivery addresses from a CSV file. This program will also import the new Customer Contact records in Sage 50 2009 and higher.
£180 + VAT
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Transaction CSV Import
You may have noticed that the standard transaction import in Sage 50 creates a new header for every split. Our program will group together like transactions as multiple splits under a single header in the same way that Sage 50's batch entry screens do. This program can also import Project Codes, Cost Codes and the Charity Fund number. A new feature is the ability to import SR and PP transactions with automatic allocation to the matching invoice.
£180 + VAT
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Please note that the trial versions of all the above CSV importers are limited to importing ten records. This limitation is removed when a full licence is purchased.
This program sits in your system tray and when you click on it a search box appears. You can enter a small amount of characters to search the sage customer or supplier records or sales invoices and sales and purchase order details:
View Sales Order / Invoice history for a Customer
View Purchase Order history for a Supplier
View Sales and Purchase Order history for a Product
Ideal for customers who ring up and ask for "five of the widgets you sold me three months ago".
Search for Products by Product Code, Supplier's Product Code or words contained in the Product Description.
Displays Product information including Stock Level and Prices.
Users can add notes to the Product Memo.
Search for Account Codes, Company Names and Contact Surnames across both ledgers in one operation.
Displays Company Name, Address, Contacts, Phone Numbers, Fax and Internet information for each company.
Users can add notes to the Customer and Supplier Memos
Data can be Copied and Pasted into other applications.
Can read Sage 50 data from a remote machine across your network.
Only £360 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Invoice Importer
This program allows you to import invoices into the Sage Accounts Invoicing module. It can be run from a button in the Invoice module (dependent on Sage version). The column headings in the first line of the CSV file are used to define the fields that the data should be imported into. It will import multi-line data into service text. It will optionally create new customer or product records if they don't exist.
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence. Annual renewal fees apply if used with New Sage 50 v21 or higher.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Sales Order CSV Importer
This program will import Sales Orders into the Sage 50 Sales Order Module from a CSV file. It can be used to import data into any field in the Sage 50 Sales Order file that is exposed by the Sage SDO. The column headings in the first line of the CSV file are used to define the fields that the data should be imported into. It will import Excel style multi line data into the Service Text field. Export option will load your CSV template with data from your current SOP files. The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 SOP Module.
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Compatible with Sage 50 Pro and Financial Controller versions 8 to 24 (Sage 50c).
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence. N.B. Annual renewal fees apply if used with New Sage 50 v21 or higher.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Purchase Order CSV Importer
This program will import Purchase Orders into the Sage 50 Purchase Order Module from a CSV file. It can be used to import data into any field in the Sage 50 Purchase Order file that is exposed by the Sage SDO. The column headings in the first line of the CSV file are used to define the fields that the data should be imported into. It will import Excel style multi line data into the Service Text field. Export option will load your CSV template with data from your current POP files.
The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 POP Module.
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Compatible with Sage 50 Pro and Financial Controller versions 8 to 24 (Sage 50c).
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence. N.B. Annual renewal fees apply if used with New Sage 50 v21 or higher.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Product and Account Code Changer
This program will allow you to change Sage 50 Customer, Supplier, Product and Fixed Asset Codes.
Change Sales Ledger account codes.
Change Purchase Ledger account codes.
Change Product codes.
Change Fixed Asset codes.
Change multiple code prefixes in one operation.
Optionally read a CSV file of codes to be changed.
Retains all your transaction and stock history.
Free trial version limited to Fixed Asset code changes only.
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Multi Location Stock Tools
This program will make it easier to use Sage 50 to manage stock in multiple warehouses or locations.
View stock levels at each location.
Easily transfer stock from one location to another.
Build option will create a duplicate set of product records for each location.
Sales Ledger accounts can be assigned to a specific location.
SOP Update option will update sales orders to use the location defined for the customer.
The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 Product module (dependant on Sage version).
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Only £360 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Back to Back Ordering
This program will create matching Purchase Orders from Sales Orders or Invoices. It is ideal for companies whose suppliers deliver direct to the customer.
Lists recent customer orders that have been entered into the Sage 50 SOP or Invoice module.
The user can easily select an order to be processed with just a couple of clicks.
The program will create all the purchase orders necessary to satisfy the customer's order.
The customer's delivery address is automatically entered as the delivery address on the purchase orders.
After the purchase orders have been created the quote is automatically marked as processed.
The user can select whether to see all unprocessed orders or just recent ones.
The program can be run from a button on the Sage 50 SOP or Invoice module (dependant on Sage version).
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Only £360 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Stock Split Program
This program is like BOM in reverse. It will allow you to transfer stock from one stock code and create multiple new items under another stock code. A typical example would be a wine merchant who has one stock code for a case of a particular wine and another that represents a single bottle. When a case is taken from the cellar and the bottles are put out on the shelves, this program will take one case out of stock in Sage 50 and adjust in the appropriate number of bottles.
The split quantity and product code are held in the Sage 50 product file.
A search facility will locate splittable products by code or a word within the product description.
The program will create the correct transactions in the Sage 50 product history.
A list shows the products that you have already split in the current session.
Auto Split option will automatically split enough stock to clear negative stock levels.
The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 Product module (dependant on Sage version).
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Document Explosion
This program will examine Sales Order, Purchase Order and Invoice records and insert a BOM explosion below each Assembly.
Order all the components for an assembly by just entering the assembly code.
Invoice your customer for an assembly and list all the components underneath.
The program will recurse through multiple levels of subassembly.
Subassemblies and their components can be indented according to their level.
Alternatively the program will produce a list of components with duplicates from different subassemblies added together into one line.
Explosion lines can optionally show the Quantity, Product Code, Suppliers Part Number and Description
Quantities are multiplied up accordingly.
The program can redo the explosion if amendments are made.
There is an option to select whether the Assemblies or the Components are posted to the Sage 50 Ledgers.
A list shows the documents and products that have been exploded in the current session.
The program can be run from buttons in the Sage 50 SOP, POP and Invoice modules (dependant on Sage version).
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Sales Price Updater
This program will update the Sales Price of your Products by applying a Category based mark-up to the Cost Price.
Mark-up percentage can be held individually for each Category or Product.
The Sales Price for a BOM assembly can be calculated from it's individual components across multiple BOM levels.
You can calculate Sales Prices for a portion of the Product file by selecting the Category, Supplier or Product Code.
Product Code selection allows the use of wild cards.
You can enter new Cost Prices for a list of components and automatically recalculate the Sales Price of all affected Assemblies.
Cost Prices in CSV format can be imported from Excel or a Supplier's List.
Product Mark-up percentages in CSV format can be imported from Excel.
Option to set Cost Prices to the highest incoming price.
The program can be run from a button on the Sage 50 Product module (dependant on Sage version).
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Subscriptions
This program will generate Sales Invoices, Quotes or Pro Formas at regular intervals and for multiple Customers. It is ideal for charging membership fees, trade subscriptions, service contracts or any other repeating charge. Unlike Sage 50's recurring invoice facility, you do not have to maintain a separate memorised invoice record for each Customer.
Will generate Service or Product Invoices, Quotes or Pro Formas with automatically adjusting from and to dates in the invoice text.
Handles multiple Subscription Types each with it's own invoice text and posting details.
Subscriptions can be set up or amended in the program with just a few clicks.
A high speed search facility will locate a Customer by entering a few characters from their Name or Account Reference.
The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 Invoice module (dependant on Sage version).
Compatible with multi company and networked versions of Sage 50.
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Adjustments In
This program will allow you to enter Inwards Stock Adjustments in a fast and convenient manner.
A high speed search facility will locate products by code or text within the product description.
Enter quantity and total cost price. The unit costprice will be calculated.
Optionally enter a new unit sales price for the product.
Hit Load and the program will create the AI transaction in the Sage 50 product history.
A list shows the adjustments that you have already entered in the current session.
The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 Product module (dependant on Sage version).
Licensed for use on as many of your company's computers as you like.
Only £180 + VAT for a company wide licence.
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Price CSV Import
Import Customer Special Prices, Customer Price List Prices and Supplier Price List Prices into the Sage 50 Price File from a CSV file.
£180 + VAT
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Address CSV Import
Import Customer Delivery addresses from a CSV file. This program will also import the new Customer Contact records in Sage 50 2009 and higher.
£180 + VAT
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Adept Sage 50 Transaction CSV Import
You may have noticed that the standard transaction import in Sage 50 creates a new header for every split. Our program will group together like transactions as multiple splits under a single header in the same way that Sage 50's batch entry screens do. This program can also import Project Codes, Cost Codes and the Charity Fund number. A new feature is the ability to import SR and PP transactions with automatic allocation to the matching invoice.
£180 + VAT
Click here for a free 30 day trial
Please note that the trial versions of all the above CSV importers are limited to importing ten records. This limitation is removed when a full licence is purchased.