Need to export Sage 50 or Sage Payroll data?
Are you moving from Sage 50 to another Accounting system, such as Xero, Access Dimensions, Netsuite etc. We can assist in generating export data from Sage in Excel format that you can import into these systems.
Need to extract data from Sage Payroll as you are moving from Sage Payroll to another Payroll system, again we can assist in writing the reports required to extract the data you need to put into your new system.
Or do you just need a Sage report written that you cannot produce yourself. Let us know what you require and we can write this for you, or show you online how to do it yourself. We can produce a Sage report that you can export to Excel or simply link the Sage data directly into Excel so you only have to refresh it when required.
Need to extract data from Sage Payroll as you are moving from Sage Payroll to another Payroll system, again we can assist in writing the reports required to extract the data you need to put into your new system.
Or do you just need a Sage report written that you cannot produce yourself. Let us know what you require and we can write this for you, or show you online how to do it yourself. We can produce a Sage report that you can export to Excel or simply link the Sage data directly into Excel so you only have to refresh it when required.